This feature may not be used too much but it’s a useful and powerful feature of Vue. Let’s take a look :)


We can use the syntax below to declare dynamic components:

<component :is="dynamicComponent" />

// "dynamicComponent" is your component name

Simple, right?

Setup multiple layouts web app

Your Vue app has multiple layouts, so how to make it easy to switch and develop? Please check out these 3 simple steps below:

1. Define your layout components

Imagine you have two layouts: AuthLayout and DashboardLayout

// components/AuthLayout.vue
// use this layout for sign in, sign up, forgot password pages

  <div id="auth">
    <h1>Hello, I'm auth layout</h1>

    <router-view />
// components/DashboardLayout.vue
// use this layout for dashboard pages after user authenticated

  <div id="dashboard">
    <h1>Hello, I'm dashboard layout</h1>

    <router-view />

export default {
    mounted() {
        // this is dashboard layout

2. Update your routers

Add route meta property called “layout” with a value equal to your layout component name

// router/index.js
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'

const router = new VueRouter({
    mode: 'history',
    routes: [
            path: '/sign-in',
            name: 'auth:sign_in',
            meta: {
                layout: 'AuthLayout', // we add new meta layout here to use it later
            path: '/sign-up',
            name: 'auth:sign_up',
            meta: {
                layout: 'AuthLayout', // same here
            path: '/',
            name: 'dashboard:home',

export default router

3. Update App.vue to use dynamic components

// App.vue

  <component :is="layout" />

import AuthLayout from "@/components/AuthLayout";
import DashboardLayout from "@/components/DashboardLayout";

export default {
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      layout: null,
  watch: {
    $route(to) {
      // set layout by route meta
      if (to.meta.layout !== undefined) {
        this.layout = to.meta.layout
      } else {
        this.layout = "DashboardLayout" // this is default layout if route meta is not set


So we’re done! you can now change your web layout by simply change the route meta “layout” property. I hope this post can be useful for you and thanks for reading!
