In some cases, you might just want to compile your pre-processors styles like SCSS, LESS to CSS and assign it to a variable then do something with it at runtime. With these simple steps, you can make it possible:
First, let’s install raw-loader:
npm i -D raw-loader
Finally, import your pre-processor file and compile it to CSS string:
# we use this structure:
# import cssString from "!raw-loader!{loader}!{path_to_your_file}";
# check out example below for scss file
# you can do the same for less file with less-loader
import cssString from "!raw-loader!sass-loader!./assets/scss/app.scss";
# you can even add more loader like postcss
import cssString from "!raw-loader!postcss-loader!sass-loader!./assets/scss/app.scss";
Done, I hope you enjoy :)