Cozi is a place where I share my software development journey.
Gmob - Go Mongodb Driver document builder
When I worked with Mongo Go Driver, it was complicate to make a search, or update query document(s) with dynamic conditions.
Launching Supics
A few days ago, I launched which is my another side project that let people download/upload wallpapers for any devices.
MongoDB filter by nested object field
Consider our logs collection contains with each document has a set of logItems, each item store sold status and price:
Automate build and publish Docker Image with GitLab CI
If you’re using GitLab then you have a free container registry for your projects.
Effective testing API with Insomnia
Introduction If you are developer working with API then you may using Insomnia or Postman for testing them.
Debugging Go http server with VS Code
Like the title said, in this article we will do debugging go application with VS Code and Go extension.
Inject Vue instance into an iframe that create in runtime
Introduction Have you had ever wanted your component style won’t be affected by any third-party style and too lazy to create a new page to put it into iframe src?
Building a simple microservices using Go Micro and Echo frameworks
Introduction In this article, we will learn how to build a simple microservices using Go Micro and Echo frameworks.
Vue CLI 4 build statics for an existing app
Introduction By default, Vue CLI build target is App which means your static will auto inject to a static index.
Moving to macOS...
After several years of using Ubuntu laptop for programming, I have decided to upgrade my laptop 👨💻.