Cozi is a place where I share my software development journey.
Serving AWS S3 private content with Golang and AWS SDK for Go v2
Have you ever wanted to serve private files from your AWS S3 storage to your users, but making the bucket public is not a safe option?
Setting up a virtual environment with Vagrant for testing
In the world of software development, testing is a critical aspect of ensuring the reliability and functionality of your applications.
Golang Create Combinations From N Arrays
This snippet is useful when you need create combinations from n arrays with picking one element from each array.
MongoDB query get n records of each group (aggregation)
For example, you might want to get 5 members of each group in your application.
Transfer files to new server using Ansible
This is a simple Ansible playbook to use when I need to transfer files from the current server to a new server.
Advanced Go Custom Error Implement
In the previous post, we have implemented our custom error:
Go Custom Error Implement
Have you ever checked the error definition to see what it is?
Clean Disk Space
Clean disk space You might run out of SSD space with your laptop or server.
Cozi Goes Dark
Today, I decided to change to dark mode and I found out a quite awesome CSS property: color-scheme.
How To Use Multiple SSH Keys Effectively
If you work on multiple projects, you might need to use multiple ssh key pairs for more security, right?